Wednesday, 19 October 2011

yes.karma ! and hate me if im wrong !

nothing can be changed either we regret or not .mana mungkin.
if u wanna be serious please showup dear. its kinda errancy when u just say I love u without a proven.not money. cuma kepercayaan dan restu keluarga.

every girls want it..
maafkan jika aku silap. tapi ini pendapat kawan-kawan aku. so aku boleh terima pendapat itu.

and that's not question bout "market "..
siapa kita ?
and that's not question bout "desperate"..
nah.. u are soo fool.taktahu tapi buat cakap pandai...
diam lebih baik,dari buat dosa kering.

"Don't worry if you're single. God is looking at you right now saying "I'm saving this person for someone special" :)"

jodoh itu rahsia Allah.